From a Celtic princely residence to a medieval town – the 2016 Glauberg Plateau campaign
In 2015, extensive field research took place at Glauberg for the first time in many years as part of the 4th Summer Academy of Hesse ARCHEOLOGY.
In 2015, extensive field research took place at Glauberg for the first time in many years as part of the 4th Summer Academy of Hesse ARCHEOLOGY.
The so-called Celtic princely seats of the early Iron Age, including Glauberg, were the focus of settlement research for a long time. Their importance as centers of power, trade, crafts and cult seemed clear.
The investigation of prehistoric paths is one of the most interesting and at the same time most demanding tasks of archaeological research.
In 2018, the last excavation campaign took place on the Glaubeg plateau as part of the 6th Summer Academy of Hesse ARCHEOLOGY. The focus of the investigation was the High Middle Ages, Staufer period, settlement and the planned expansion from a castle into a city.
How did the castle building at the eastern end of the plateau get its current shape? In many voluntary work assignments from October 1975 to October 1976, the Glauburg Local History and History Association uncovered the collapsed foundation walls, which had received little attention after Eduard Anthes' excavations in 1912/13.
The Glauberg is primarily known for the outstanding importance of its Iron Age remains. However, it should not be forgotten that in the turmoil towards the end of the Hohenstaufen Empire,
Glauberg and its immediate surroundings have always been a popular settlement area. A settlement at the foot of Glauberg is documented as early as the time of the first Neolithic farmers, the Bandkeramic culture (approx. 5500 - 4900 BC).
On the Staffelberg (Upper Franconia, Bavaria), which dominates the landscape, there was already a mighty castle complex during the early La Tène period, whose residents dominated the Upper Main region.
The people we are taking a closer look at in our special exhibition “CELTEN LAND HESSEN – A new era begins” shaped the Iron Age in Germany. They founded large city-like settlements long before the Middle Ages.